Banque El Amana

Bank El Amana Company Profile
“In just three years time, Mauritania will be a completely different country”

Banque El Amana es un banco especializado en el financiamiento del desarrollo de la industria local y el comercio, especialmente en los campos de importación y exportación de pesca, distribución de mercancías y agricultura.
BEA is a universal bank, covering all the Mauritanian territory, that developed all authorized banking activities and products, in accordance with the banking law N° 95.011 (17/07/1995).
Bank El Amana SA – BEA- is a limited company under the Mauri- tanian Law, established in 1996 between the Mauritanian Govern- ment, private banks and other private institutions. Our leading shareholder, M. Bouna Moctar Ahmed Salem, has entered the capital of the Bank in 2002, and owns 99% of it.
As years goes by, BEA keeps on financing bigger projects in different sectors such as real estate, trade, import/export, energy, fishery, agriculture. Moreover and for the last two years, we have been leading the sector of Cash Payment, which aims to facilitate access to payment tools for the most vulnerable populations.
The Bank is well organized to accommodate our clients, indivi- duals and professionals, small business and major companies. As a Retail Bank, we enjoy a network of 8 agencies (as of 2018) cove- ring all the Mauritanian territory.
With the great spirit of our 133 collaborators within our Bank and a wide and exhaustive range of products. We meet the needs of our individual and professional clients, small and major businesses, in terms of daily banking activities and the realization of their more ambitious projects: saving, consumer credit, real estate credit, financing of the Investment, financing of the opera- ting cycle, international trade...
Drawing on our highly qualified and experienced personnel and a strong organizational structure, the Bank contributes daily to the greater development of our country. To consolidate our leading position, in an environment seeing the introduction of foreign banks and many local stakeholders, BEA has adopted a strategic plan based on innovation, strong commitment to compliance with international requirements, investment in our human capital and the always-betterment of our relationship with our clients.
BEA is a privately owned bank with 99% of the shares held by Ahmed Salem Bouna Moctar.

Financial Indicators

La perspectiva de futuro del banco se empareja con el desarrollo futuro del país, enfocándose en desarrollar los servicios a la industria del gas y la industria pesquera y agrícola considerados muy prometedores. Pretenden “consolidar” su posición dentro del sistema bancario, asegurar créditos y disminuir riesgos, así como mejorar la lealtad de los clientes.
It is the sole bank in Mauritania that provides cash payments to refugees after gaining a contract with the NU and World Bank.

Ahmed Salem Bouna Moctar

Presidente El Amana Bank

A lo largo de los diez últimos años, BEA se ha convertido en un actor sólido del sector bancario mauritano gracias al compromiso y la valiosa experiencia de los hombres y mujeres que hacen de la empresa lo que es hoy.
Gran Banco Comercial, BEA brinda y apoya en el día a día y en todos sus proyectos a nuestros más de 26 000 clientes, en todas las regiones y todos los sectores de la economía. El Banco afina su posición como banco minorista comprometido y pone su experiencia y solidez al servicio de todos los mauritanos y de todos los sectores de la economía del sector.
La proximidad siempre está progresando gracias al desarrollo de nuestra red de agencias y los servicios de banca remota, con el objetivo constante de la calidad para recibir y atender a nuestros clientes dondequiera que se encuentren.
Esta responsabilidad se traduce también en nuestra elección de gobierno con una Junta Directiva involucrada y activa, integrada por personalidades calificadas y miembros independientes, comités especializados, y la disociación de las funciones de Presidente de la Junta Directiva y Director General de la Banco.
Basándonos en el compromiso diario de nuestros colaboradores, la confianza y el apoyo de nuestros clientes y socios, nuestra ambición es reforzar a BEA como una de las principales partes interesadas del sector bancario de Mauritania.

Mohamed Salem Bouna Moctar

Mohamed Salem, General Director of Bank El Amana, has an optimistic outlook both, about the bank and about Mauritania´s economy.  Although the banking system had some difficulties in the past, it is now growing stronger matching international standards. “The banking system in Mauritania faces an unbalance between the long term financing and the short term deposits that generates inflation. However, with the new incomes from the gas discoveries, the monetary market will be developed and more stable allowing local banks to access financing in the international markets and therefore decrease interest rates”
Mauritania is a country scarcely populated, but also scarcely bankarised.
“There are too many banks in Mauritania with only 12% of the population holding a bank account.  The tendency appoints to consolidation that will start after the  Central Bank of Mauritania impose a minimum of capital of 25 million euros on the 30 of March this year”.
As regulations become stricter, banks claim for new reforms also in the sector. “The sector needs to develop a new monetary market as well as increase the access to refinancing with the public companies banking in the sector and not in the Treasure.  There is also a need of reforms in justice especially regarding under performing credits guarantees, since the legal process is too long reaching up to 5 years.

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